Megan Frantz
Here are my questions for Sarah's mother [dietitian] . . . 

1] How many calories a day are an appropriate amount in order to maintain your present body weight?

2] How do vegetarians receive the daily allowance of protein since they do not consume meat products?

3] Are vegetarians healthier overall because of their preferred choice of diet?

4] Do most vegetarians have low cholesterol?

5] Are vegetarians more or less susceptible to various infectious diseases?

Here are my questions for a vegetarian . . .

1] Why do you prefer to be a vegetarian?

2] What are some advantages of being a vegetarian?

3] Are family members also vegetarian or did you choose this diet based on other circumstances?

4] What store brands would be recommended for a person who is just beginning a vegetarian diet?

5] Since vegetarians choose this diet to live a healthier lifestyle, do they still consume alcoholic beverages?
Kim Longo
4/7/2011 03:49:38 am

I really like your research topic. My mom is a vegetarian and loves it. Since this is such a broad topic I am sure you will be able to develop a lot of subtopics from it. Also, there are so many diverse opinions about being a vegetarian so i'm sure your final product will be very interesting!


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