Megan Frantz
Technology has definitely expanded my boundaries outside the normal Microsoft Word document. Within the last few weeks I have opened up a world of possibilities pertaining to technology. I've created a website on Weebly, created an account on Twitter, and purchased the iPhone 4. My website I am able to post blogs and assignments that are required for Writing, Research, and Technology in an effective way to share my work with my classmates. This also allows the opportunity to edit a previously posted blog.  It is beneficial, as a writer, since I am able to visually see my strong and weak areas that need improvement. By completing various types of genres has also been helpful. Being able to take one piece of work and compose something totally different has been an accomplishment. As for my Twitter account, I am able to post short, concise tweets pertaining to how I feel, what I see, or just about anything. Though it is hard at times to compress what I am trying to say in just a few characters, it has made me become more aware of my writing. With having access to the iPhone I am quickly able to just log into my account and tweet immediately when it comes to mind. That is the greatest part! Having this technology right at my finger tips has made it more convenient since I am able to do things on the go.